



What do all of these pictures have in common? Susan Pinsky and her Calling Out Podcast. I have so much gratitude towards the love that is felt every time we all get together. Check out her podcast ~ right here

Last night was bitter sweet. Lisa Williams who is not only my mentor but a very close friend expressed to me that she was going to be leaving soon. I have known this consciously for some time that she would be leaving Los Angeles and live in New York. In fact we joked about the fact that I am the one that told her she would be leaving by the end of the year. I can handle a lot, in fact anyone that knows me understands how I have to detach because of some of the cases that I work on are so intense that I have to. That detachment carries over in my everyday life. More so than it should. When she told me yesterday in person it struck my heart for some reason. I know that we will always talk and in fact probably more so but my heart hurt and I actually began to cry. I was in shock more about my reaction to what she said then the actual move itself. It made no sense. How could this be? When I dived deeper into what I was feeling and couldn’t really control it I realized that she made it tangible. Her move became tangible and I couldn’t fight the tears. I lost it. I later learned that is what a “Meltdown,” looks and feels like.

We all are vulnerable and we all have detachments that at some point in our lives get addressed. My detachment from believing she was leaving made its way through the guards of my tears. As I write this I can’t help but laugh about the fact that Lisa Williams is still teaching me and that I have learned something about myself within the confines of what I felt as my reactionary irrational behavior. I learned from the experience last night to not push situations away. I also learned that by being vulnerable I was able to cry about what has been building up over the last year.

Live every day as if you or someone you cared for was moving away tomorrow…….. What would you do differently? Who would you spend your time with? How would you get through the transition? We all have vulnerabilities, don’t push away your feelings. It is a lot better to cry a little along the way then all at once. Didn’t see that one coming.