Today was an amazing day by first being filmed for a project with award winning film maker and author Richard Martini. The rest of the day was packed with beautiful clients and their loved ones who have crossed over. The last part of the day I was able to capture the sunset by stepping out onto my office balcony. I am so blessed and grateful for this work. I love where it takes me. ❤
Happy Birthday to my very good friend, colleague, award winning film maker and author Rich Martini.
Thank you for your books about the “Flip Side” and helping so many people in the process. I love working with you. Looking forward to celebrating you soon!
If any of you want a really good read on his research about the afterlife and also one where he interviews me in the process and documents a life between lives regression, then this is your book.
A week ago today my daddy earned his “Angel Wings” ….. I want to express the love and gratitude I have for not only my amazing family but also for my beautiful friends who were there these last few weeks. He was loved by so many people that my heart is still in awe of the hundreds of individuals that came to celebrate his life. I now have a very personal experience to having a heavy heart. This makes my work that more important to me. I look forward to the healing. #LoveIsEternal
Live, Laugh and Love fearlessly as much as you can, every chance you get, with no regrets. Life is precious, spend it with family and friends …. Wednesday afternoon I received a call from my mom saying my dad has advanced stages of pancreatic cancer….. My dad is a fighter and has a very strong faith. He has the most beautiful spirit. Prayers matter, love matters and I am eternally grateful for anything you send our way. The first thing I did when I heard the news was reach out to some of my friends and head to the beach – that sunset was taken Wednesday night while I cried, got angry and prayed. Life is short have no regrets.
I “see” a lot in my line of work. I have parents wanting to know what the last 24 hours of their child’s life was like before they crossed. Parents of missing children ask me if they are still alive or not or were they in pain.
However, nothing prepared me for the love and pain I witnessed the last couple of days. I was asked by one of my dearest friends to talk to her extended family because their 11-year-old child was on life support due to a food allergy and asthma. This beautiful boy is also a twin. Talking to this family had me in uncontrollable tears. He came through expressing to his twin sister how much he loved her and then gave her so much evidence of how he was still here. He said so many things to this amazing family that provided some comfort but couldn’t diminish the pain everyone felt, including myself.
I am a firm believer in miracles but as his father asked me to tell him “please come back,” I could barely speak. This beautiful boy kept showing me how he tried to come back into his body and couldn’t …. It was not allowing him to. Reports from all of the tests at the hospital eventually confirmed that he was brain dead. How could this happen so quickly?…. My heart shattered….. Yesterday they took this very sweet boy off of life support and Heaven gained an angel. We love you Oakley, you will be in our hearts forever……
The reason I’m posting this picture is because I asked Oakley to show me a sign in colors ……. As I did last night, this sunset with a fire in its heart appeared within minutes….
Today Love and love some more when it comes to your family and friends… life is too short not to.
Can’t wait for tonight! You can watch us live! @psychicrebel and I will be taking callers ……
Looking forward to having my friend incredible Intuitive Perception Teacher of BIS for Law Enforcement and FBI officials Jennifer Shaffer join me in studio this Thursday at 6pm PST LIVE Universal Broadcasting Network! We will take callers at 323-992-3115 and you can watch it live
Happy Father’s Day …….. If you are missing your father who has crossed over and you can talk to me at 11:15 Pacific Time Today for a 1/2 hour – Please put your name down below in the comments area on the link below- I will be donating a reading for Father’s Day…… My daughter will be picking the winner via numbers and I will let the winner know at 11:10……… ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Happy Father’s Day Everyone
Listen Live May 10th to another exciting episode of REBELations. Colby-Psychic Rebel interviews 2014 Psychic of the Year & 2015 Social Activism Award winner Jennifer Medlyn Shaffer. Jennifer has been seen on CBS, HLN on CNN and Fox Television. She is an author, speaker and spiritual teacher. Jennifer M. Shaffer is also the founding member of JS Intuitive Investigations Academy & serves as an Intelligent Perception Teacher of BIS for Law Enforcement and FBI officials. Join in live at 5:00pm PST on Shay Parker BEST OF THE BEST on OM Times Radio for an insightful view on psychic investigation and the impact it can have in helping both law enforcement and families globally.
Best American Psychics #spirituality #psychicinvestigation #mediumship
If you miss your mother who is in Heaven ask for a sign….. Hold on to something that maybe she gave you or look at a picture to connect to her… Have you found pennies lately or have seen butterflies? Don’t fight what you feel and see, your loved ones want to communicate with you. Write a letter to them and then read it out loud… Then wait to see what pops into your head and don’t fight it or discount it….. Ask for your heart to be lifted with love, they want you to know that they are around…. Happy Mothers Day everyone ❤️
Looking forward to the adventure in working with some of the best Intuitives and law enforcement together on cases – we have the best team! What an amazing week – Commanding Officer of the NYPD Aviation Unit -Jim Coan thank you for taking on that challenge – it will be a blast and we will be helping families along the way….. Nate and Cheryl can’t wait to see where we end up!
Today is the Final 22 Master Day of the year. You might ask why is today so important? It is the energy that surrounds this day. I have expressed over the last few days to allow anything that no longer serves your highest good to go away with ease and grace…. Now is the time to ask yourself – what do you want in your life right now? Where is your heart, your passion? Start bringing your dreams into reality, don’t hold back. The key is to assume the feelings as if they have already happened and then having gratitude is like the icing on the cake when manifesting who you are…. Your heart will tell you everything …. Use these energies today and have fun doing so. Life is beautiful and your loved ones from the other side want to help you and do so in the form of coincidences…
A little love from my family, pictures were taken this weekend by a very dear friend of mine Steve Simons who has photographed every major event in my life and continues to do so.
Looking forward to a packed day of clients at the office – I am so incredibly blessed and grateful to love my work and home 💗
I was just notified that I have given over a thousand readings ….. My online calendar system has so far recorded 1004 in the last eighteen months. Over the years before hand without this system I know that I have given a lot of readings but to see the numbers on screen just made me pause a second. I am like a little kid, so excited and so grateful for all of my clients, friends and colleagues who have helped me along the way. Thank you Lisa Williams for sending me my first paid client, I was so nervous. Thank you as well for everything else you have done along the way to encourage my practice which included telling me to get an online booking system two years ago! It takes a village and I have one that is very dear to my heart.
Jennifer Shaffer Interviews Gifted Teacher and Healer ~ World Renowned Most Sought After Psychic “The Rock Girl,” Allison Hayes Who Will Discuss Halloween and Her Witches Brew Fun! What really does it mean to be considered a “Witch?”
Allison Hayes – The Rock Girl is an International Award Winning Psychic, Past Life Channeler, and Motivational Speaker. She travels worldwide as a Master Teacher & Healer and is the founder of The Rock Girl Sacred Stone School. A popular Radio Personality throughout the nation, Allison hosts two radio shows (The Rock Girl Unleashed on W4WNetworks, and The Sacred Stone Show on BlogTalk Radio), graced the cover of OM TMES Magazine, and appeared on the season finale of Cindy Lauper’s She’s Still So Unusual on WE Television. The Rock Girl is a celebrity favorite, and offers Psychic Readings, Reiki classes, and other services on a strictly confidential basis.
Allison is known for her accurate, detailed, and evidential readings and has been billed as the “Lara Croft” of Psychics due to her no-nonsense delivery and her ultimate quest to uncover the hidden messages buried so deeply in the stones. With her unique Crystalline Soul Mapping TM technique, Allison can also help you attain deep, long lasting healing on a Soul level, that can not only change your energy, but also your outcome. Whether you have questions about love and relationships, career, past lives, connecting to your Spirit Guides or finding your Soul’s deepest purpose, Allison can help you do what she does best…discover the Legacy of your Soul.
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Thank you Kathy Biehl! Read this if you want to know about tonight’s Lunar Eclipse…
2015 Aries Lunar Eclipse
September 27-28, 2015
7:50 PM PDT /10:50 PM EDT / 2:50 GMT
4 Aries 40 / 4 Libra 40
Written by Kathy Biehl
That boom you hear? It’s the sound of doors, chapters and entire books slamming shut. A major cycle is ending and it’s not going quietly. The slams aren’t merely expressions of fiery emotion (though those are in the mix). They signal permanent closures, with no reversals, no do-overs and no take-backs.
With this month’s Aries Lunar Eclipse, we are nearing the end of the line in I-vs-You matters that have been churning since late 2013. Whether the flash point is a specific relationship, specific relationship dynamics or patterns, an agreement or the collective social contract (just look at the news lately), what’s igniting now grows out of a lengthy, often heated process that has forced fundamental changes in how we approach getting along with each other.
No doom and gloom, please! The eclipse’s location directly on the North Node in Libra — pointing to the future path in how we relate — marks it as a profound turning point for all of us, even if the eclipse touches nothing directly in our personal charts. This eclipse is a companion to the boundary-resetting mandate of the Virgo New Moon of September 12-13. The two together, against the rest of September’s complex energies, mark the gateway into new arrangements with the potential to be more healthy and personally appropriate. (On the collective level, well, we’re in for a long haul of grappling with what we want to be.)
We are ready. We have passed the point of putting up with, making allowances for, discussing, requesting, pleading or negotiating. We’ve even, many of us, moved past fearing what might happen if we speak up. The prospect of not speaking up and staying put is far scarier.
This Moon encourages and in fact requires action. One reason: it’s ruled by Mars, god of war and planet of push, who is brave and self-starting to the point of reckless impulsiveness. Too, the fact that the moon is full is fanning emotional sparks and flames to wildfire levels. The emotional energies roaring through us now — good, bad, anything but indifferent — are motivating to the point of being irresistible.
Adding to the excitement is the high-drama, impassioned, wildcard element of Venus, the ruler of all we value and desire (love, money, beauty, creativity) in a direct current with utterly unpredictable, paradigm-shattering Uranus. This team is delivers surprises and breakthroughs in perspective, opportunity and situations. Some are payoff from or a continuation of late August (around the 20th) when retrograde Venus and Uranus made the same connection.
The sparks flying off this pair scream: “Go, go, go!” Another influence says: “Not so fast.” Mars, the party host, is tangling with Saturn, lord of order and responsibility. Their clash operates as a governor, requiring slow and steady follow-throw on whatever the lightning strikes open. Our attitude shifts in an instant. Moving forward happens incrementally, perhaps even agonizingly so.
As it should be. Rolling out step by step is consistent with the serious, lasting implications of everything that shifts gear now. Even when our lives turn on a dime — when someone leaves, when you snap and boot someone out, when you say, “Enough is enough!” and draw a line in indelible ink, when a friend lands in your arms and you both gasp in realization — the new conditions and situations will take some time settling in. Letting them develop encourages them to develop solidly and firmly. Many of them will be with us for years to come. Better that the foundations be good and deep, than that we jump on them with an impetuousness that crashes them.
Our emotional readiness for this shift certainly helps. So does our fully reaching a point of neither tolerating any further nor of turning back. The context of this eclipse explains this part of its nature. This weekend’s event is the fifth of six in the Aries/Libra eclipse cycle, which began in October 2013 and winds up next March. This cycle has brought back relationship themes from 1995-1997, the last time it was with us. In both the late 90s and the last three years, these themes involved a question of settling.
The last cycle saw people entering into relationships, marriages and agreements thinking they were the best they could do. (Survey your friends; it’s stunning how many marriages took place in those years, and how many of those no longer exist.) The cycle is playing out differently now. Very differently. That’s because the Aries/Libra eclipses have coincided with the relentless change imperative that has rocked and restructured the very foundations of our lives. These astrological influences have essentially double-teamed us in yanking us out of a lifetime of codependence, projecting all manner of expectation that other people may or may not be able to meet (or even recognize) and expecting other people to complete us.
One of the outgrowths of the cosmic change imperative has been to redirect our attention to our side of each relationship equation. The Aries eclipse especially fires up own end of the experience — acting for and out of our own interests. It also sees the Sun standing right by Juno in Libra, embodying our new paradigm for committed partnerships (and, for some, the emergence of a committed partner.) We are evolving into standing side by side as mutually supportive companions, rather than leaning on and holding each other back. Keep that in mind as you experience and observe the endings and shifts coming off this eclipse. They will not only occur this weekend, or this month, but roll out into next spring.
If you’d like to watch the eclipse, head to Slooh for live feeds from observatories all over the world, starting at 8 PM on September 27.
Learn how this is affecting you: Book a session with me!
Readers call Astro-Insight: “Ridiculously accurate.” “On the nose.” “Spot on forecasts.” Agree? Show your support! Thank you!
© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.
September 27, 2015
Our very own Susan from her podcast Calling Out with Susan Pinsky will be awarded this evening -Talk Radio Show Host of the Year from Los Angeles Music Awards! Susan thank you for bringing what we do into mainstream- you have worked so hard and we are so grateful. I am so honored to be a part of her podcast along side with these amazing mediums-Thomas John: Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant, and Published Author. Lisa Williams, Colby-Psychic Rebel, Psychic Medium A.J. Barrera, Medium Cindy Kaza Rebecca Fearing The Rational Psychic Jack Rourke, and many more….. If you haven’t checked out her podcast here is the link! Can’t wait to celebrate you tonight! See you on the Red Carpet!
Jennifer Shaffer Interviewed World Renowned, Most Accredited And Leading Psychic Medium In This Industry, A.J. Barrera
Psychic Medium – Intuitive Counselor A.J. Barrera™ has steadily risen to become one of the most accredited & leading Psychic Mediums in the industry today. Many of his recent media appearances include Life with La Toya (OWN), The Ricki Lake Show, The Today Show, Access Hollywood, E! News, CBS 2 News, KCAL 9 News, Fox News, CNN Espanol, 97.1 FM with Carson Daly, I Love Jenni (Jenni Rivera/ mun2), Cristina Radio Network (Cristina Saralegui talk show icon) morning show ‘Cafeina’ & their sister station, En Vivo’s ‘Tu Manana Live’ on Sirius XM on Channel 146 & 147, and was resident medium every Monday, Wednesday & Friday on ‘The Calling,’ on Los Angeles’ LA 96.3 FM with Sandra Pena. A.J. currently host his own radio show ‘Breakthrough with A.J. Barrera’ on every Thursday night at 7PM (PT).
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Jennifer Shaffer Interviews World Renowned Psychic Medium and Best Selling Author John Holland as she hosts “Your Spirit Hour,” on Shay Parker’s ~ Best of the Best Radio
John Holland is now one of the most popular and renowned psychic mediums on the world stage. He has developed a unique style of communication with spirit, and enjoys sharing and teaching as much as his public demonstrations. Without doubt, he is true professional and is totally dedicated to the integrity and validity of his work.
Whether he’s being filmed for one of his many TV appearances, or facilitating his now highly popular intimate “Gatherings” group readings, or his public demonstrations of mediumship … he conducts himself with lightness of touch, a sense of humor, and an ability to bring closure and peace to so many. He’s the author of the bestsellers Born Knowing, Psychic Navigator, Power of the Soul and The Spirit Whisperer. -John Holland’s Bio from Hay House
John Hollands Website for more information Right Here!
Air Date: Live every second Tuesday evening of every month, from 8-9pm EST, 7-8pm Central, 5-6pm PST
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Today my family took a twenty mile bike ride and my daughter and I made twelve of those miles, which we were happy about. It was absolutely beautiful. As we were communing with nature I started asking questions to my dear friend Loredana who is in spirit now. All I can say is that within seconds of asking for a sign, this beautiful magnetic butterfly showed up right in front of my daughter and I. We stopped and as it went back and forth in front of us it finally landed right next to my bike. I grabbed my camera and it just patiently waited for me to take a picture. My heart was filled with joy and even better than that my daughter heard me ask for a sign…. Miracles do happen, what a gift from spirit. That butterfly had her magnetic personality…..
I absolutely love my teacher and friend Lisa Williams – I am the luckiest person on this planet to have found someone to guide and mentor me in this line of work. Below are some fellow Best American Psychics that are on this journey as well, right in front of Lily Dale’s famous “Stump”. I love this place and the way spirit always has something to say……
Life is beautiful, Live every day full of adventure and purpose. Be kind to yourself and to others. Love like there is no other way to be. Watch the universe reflect back to you the greatness of your spirit, like the water reflected back the colors from the sun through the clouds.
~ Jennifer Shaffer and Spirit
Yesterday the world lost an amazing spirit who I met several years ago at the dog park. Loredana Nesci – you brightened up everything and everyone who you came in contact with. We worked together and you shined in helping the underdogs get on the right track. I have the interview below of how we discussed the afterlife and when I heard your voice – I couldn’t stop crying. Thank you for being in my life. I can’t stop thinking about you. I wish you love and peace – please lift my heart when I think of you.
July 14, 2015, 5pm PDT: Jennifer Shaffer interviewed Dr. Denise McDermott on the Women 4 Women Network’s Radio Show: “Linear Meets Non-Linear Conversations”.
Dr. Denise McDermott is an Adult and Child Board Certified Psychiatrist who did her residency at Emory University and her fellowship at UCLA.
She has won numerous awards and held many leadership positions some highlights are:
Receiving 2014 Leading Physician of the World
Receiving 2000 UCLA Physician Recognition Award
Receiving Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Award
Serving as President of the Southern California Child Psychiatric Society in 2005-2006
Serving as Chief Fellow at UCLA in 2000-2001
Dr. McDermott has been in private practice in the South Bay since 2001.
She embraces Western Medicine and combines it with her own intuition to offer the best recommendations for her patients by integrating Mind, Body and Spirit into her assessment. She believes that her clients can thrive and empowers them to “envision their best self”. She does psychotherapy that is solution focused and prescribes the least amount of medicine (if any) for a patient to be well.
Dr. McDermott sought out mentoring from Dr. Judith Orloff who is an Internationally known Psychiatrist, Intuitive, and Energy Healer. At the present she is doing course work with Dr. Barry Morguelan of the Morguelan Energy Institute. She has co-led Intuition Workshops with Jennifer Shaffer where “Linear Meets Non-Linear”. She has attended seminars by Thomas John. She has been a guest on “Calling Out” by Susan Pinsky with Jennifer Shaffer and Psychic Rebel Colby.
She is spiritually aligning herself with “Leaders of Thought” and intends to help continue to bridge the realms of Science and Spirituality. She plans to collaborate with the Institute for Sensory Perception.
You can find her at
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I love where my work takes me. Right now I am in San Francisco visiting friends and getting ready for a multidimensional adventure to Mt. Shasta. Another vortex on my bucket list that I will be able to recalibrate my spirit and then cross it off my list. Thank you Joyce, Raj, Leslie and Michelle for being on this journey.
I LOVE Spirit 💗
Jennifer Shaffer is a professionally trained, evidential Psychic Medium. Jennifer offers clients extremely accurate readings, both in person and over the phone. Do not let distance keep you from booking a reading with Jennifer, as she has satisfied clients all over the globe. Learn more at
By Shay Parker Media
What an amazing “Spirit Sunday” sharing Wine and Spirits with my beautiful friend and last client of the day. Next time I work on a Sunday with clients at my office will begin again August 23rd. I will be traveling and filming a television show in between…. Very exciting and more information to come later 😊
Last Night’s Birthday Celebration
My Daddy’s Prom Picture #Handsome
Engagement – Still going strong and seven kids later…
Happy 70th Birthday Daddy!! You have taught me so much throughout the years. I am so grateful for your wisdom and strength. I did pick you and I know more now than ever, why …… You taught me the true meaning of what “Unconditional Love” looks and feels like. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Xxoo J.J.
If you haven’t heard this “Calling Out” podcast please listen in! Thank you Susan Pinsky for bringing us together. Colby you were amazing with your reading of beautiful Heather McDonald and Rebecca Fearing working with you on this most recent case was incredible to be a part of.